Sunday 21 September 2014

Bubble Bobble 300 dpi Control Panel

Found some time this morning to waste and knocked up a Bubble Bobble themed control panel, decided to leave "Bub" and "Bob" off my design as they're already on the Bezel and sideart, plus I think the panel looks busy enough as it is.

Again, the panel is sized for the Koenig cabinet plans but as I've included the Photoshop PSD and GIMP XCF files they it can easily be adapted.

PNG Format (10MB)
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  1. Looks great, well done. I'm struggling at the moment to find someone to help design a control panel for my cabinet build at the moment, I don't have the skills to put something together like you have.

    1. Hi, thanks for the comments. This is all new to me TBH, we'll see how it turns out in reality, I'm particularly not confident around the correct pixel size / DPI to fit my dimensions and getting that to line up with the holes I'll be drilling in the Control Panel and Plexi. Will be a steep learning curve. Will probably revise the CP graphic again based on some messing around I've done with the buttons, joysticks and a cardboard box mockup of the CP. Stay tuned :-)

      I should probably also point out that "my" artwork is heavily inspired by existing artwork that's out there for Bartop cabs, I've just jigged it around to fit a full size cab. Cheers

  2. Hi

    Is it still possible to get the artwork for Bubble bobble?
    The links to dropbox is dead :(
