Tuesday 14 October 2014

MDF Arrives & Cutting Cab Sides

So the MDF finally arrived...the instructions for the courier said "knock loudly" which is not something I requested.  Hopefully Savoy timber request the same for all their customers and not just the ones who make a pain of themselves by constantly phoning to ask where their order is :-)

Seemed well packaged but the edges of the cut were a bit poor and needed sanding :-(

I began by drawing the outline of the cab on the sides and found out the measurements on the plan don't allow enough for the control panel front plus the drawer, so added a bit extra there.

Having drawn out the outline I used a borrowed jigsaw to begin cutting.  The straight cuts were pretty much a piece of cake but I struggled with the curves, the jigsaw wanted to carry on going...

Goggles and a mask were worn at all times!

Rather than cut one side and use that to "trace" the second I'd secured both side sheets together with clamps to make it one run of cuts.  Whether this then made it more difficult to cut the round edges due to the increased thickness I'm not sure.

Once cut, a palm sander was used to smooth the edges and the sides, wood primer suitable for MDF was then applied.

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  1. Looking good..!
    What's the blue layer on the side piece?

    1. Thanks! It's a wood primer, it's actually a kinda grey / blue but the crap camera on my Blackberry doesn't show that too well!
